In Praise of Booze

This post is dedicated to my one true friend, who will always be beside me, guiding me through the pitfalls of life and helping me to achieve my highest potential. I speak, of course, of alcohol. By choice I drink single malt scotch, but that can occasionally (read: pretty much all the time) be beyond my meager budget. When I can't afford the 18 year old Highland Park, and don't feel like drinking a lot of beer, I turn to the mixed drinks for a quick and tasty drunk. I compiled a list of drinks that I thought sounded good, and here they are. In no particular order. I've made up names where they were missing, and I've edited for consistency a little bit. But not a lot.

If you feel like playing a game, see if you can guess the six names I made up. Email your answer to There is no deadline, but there's only one winner: the first person to get it right. Obviously. If you get it right, I'll take you out and get you hammered. There are some caveats here, though. I'm not leaving Vancouver to do this, so if you're out of town you have to come here. Or Winnipeg, where I'll be for a couple of non-consecutive nights towards the end of March. Just to be clear, I'm willing to pay for your drinks until you can no longer drink. Ideally I think we'd be looking at some mild alcohol poisoning on your part.

The Tipsy McStagger

2 shots vodka
2 shots Irish creme
1 shot butterscotch schnapps
Doin' the Dew

4 parts Mountain Dew
1 part Cinnamon Schnapps
1 part Butterscotch Schnapps
Los Irish-Canuckian

Bailey's Irish Creme
Canadian Club
Flaming Rum Sunrise

1 shot Tequila or Rum (or 1/2 shot of 151)
1 dose grenadine
Glass of OJ
Bacardi 151 on top

Pour tequila in OJ, hit it with the grenadine (will sink) and then float 151 on top. Light and serve. The sooner you blow it out, the more hammered you're going to get.
Tucson White Trash Classic

Open a bottle of Corona and take a quick swig. Pour in enough Bacardi Limon to refill the bottle, do the Thumb Over the Top Upside-Down Bottle Mixing Trick and enjoy. The added bonus is that you won't be the resident fruit-in-the-beer weenie.

1 part everclear
3 parts sake
Splash of your strongest sours

1/3 dark rum
1/3 kahlua
1/3 ginger ale

Serve over ice.
Mind Eraser

1 part kahlua
1 part vodka
1 part club soda

Put in glass of ice in that order, they layer quite nicely.
Master Shake

1. vanilla ice cream
2. vodka
3. kahlua
4. reeses peanut butter cups
5. ice cubes

Redheaded Slut

* 1 1/2 oz Jagermeister
* 1 1/2 oz Peach schnapps
* Fill with Cranberry juice
Flaming Bob Marley

in layers:
Peppermint schnapps
float of 151 or higher
Tie Me To The Bed Post

Peach Schnapps
Southern Comfort

1 part gin
1 part sweet red vermouth
1 part Campari
El Presidente Margarita

8 oz margarita mix
1 oz El Presidente (or generic) brandy
1 oz cointreau (or triple sec)
2 oz tequila

Shake with ice and strain into a salt-rimmed glass.
Sour Oligarch

1/2 Bacardi 151
1/2 Rosa's Lime Juice
Splash of Sprite

2 oz spiced rum
4 oz bourbon or rye
4 oz heavy cream
1-2 oz spiced simple syrup (see below)
1 very fresh egg

Shake hard with ice, a minute or so to incorporate the egg. Pour into cocktail glasses, dust with fresh nutmeg. Enjoy. Repeat. This amount will make two medium sized drinks.

spiced simple syrup

Put 2 cups sugar, 1 cup water, orange peel, star anise, cinnamon, cardamom, &c. into a smallish saucepan. Heat over medium low heat, stirring, until the sugar is dissolved (15 minutes or so). Turn off heat and let cool. Strain.
Hydrolic Pancake

2 Part - Kahlua
1-2 Part - Irish Cream
1-2 tbsp Maple Syrup (or to taste)
Fill with Coffee