I like dirty jokes. The competition, one-up-man-ship if you will (and if you won't, you obviously don't know any dirty jokes), is one of the prime motivators of joke telling time. One person tells a dirty joke, then someone else follows with something better. Or worse, depending on your point of view.
Some of you may have heard of The Aristocrats before. Due to some bizarre oversight on the part of whoever runs this bag of confusion we call reality, I just found out about it today. It's the ultimate dirty joke contest. One tells the standard opening, fills in the middle with a special twist, and finishes it off with the standard punchline. This may not sound all that funny to you. You are wrong.
I advise caution when following these links, specifically if you are at work.
Collection of Aristocrats jokes.
Video of Cartman telling an Aristocrats joke.