This post is all about taking a quick break away from what I bashfully refer to as poetry. Today, we talk food. I've recently given up on a multiplayer online role playing game, so that's freed up some time for me to cook. When you read some time, think massive understatement.
The first real cooking I had done in a long time was to fire up some savoury pies the other day. The flavour I was looking for was the classic chicken pot pie, only good. It was pretty much like you would imagine, except that I added about two tablespoons of miso to the veggie mix, and substituted smoked tofu for chicken. Chicken is gross. The veggie mix was onions, garlic, carrots, broccoli, mushrooms, and peas. Though you could put anything in there really. It had been a while since I made pie crust but that worked out as planned, flaky and golden.
I have a couple pies in the works, a Mexican themed one which will excuse a huge portion of sour cream, and a Greek themed one containing mostly feta and olives. On top of the cooking I've redecorated my apartment, set up my television as a second monitor for my pc, and put new tires on my bike. Maybe massive understatement was a bit of an understatement.